Improving Perceptions with Foundation
Funders and Individual Donors
Do you feel like you are constantly battlingyour peer organizations for the few fundingdollars available for your community? It’snot your fault. Funders have often ‘pitted’organizations against each other in theirefforts to fund populations in the most direconditions. Differentiation occurs fromrelationships, awareness, and actions. How can you set yourself apart? Use your voice. Advocate your mission […]
Strategic Planning: Essential Success Strategy
Strategic planning is now one of the most important success strategies for organizational sustainability. Donors, funding organizations, and potential partners are looking for safe, effective, and impactful investment opportunities that maximize their Return On Investment (ROI) like never before. Try these proven strategies to create and implement your own strategic plan to ensure you and […]
Impact To Propel Your Movement
How can you improve your organizational impact and propel you organizational momentum? By listening to your stakeholders and completing your strategic planning, you can arrive at your specific organizational priorities that accelerate you in the short-term, sustain you for the long-term, and build your service movement. These strategies were implemented by a national organization but […]
Don’t let these hang-ups stop you!
Don’t let these hang-ups stop you Is there something stopping you from investing in yourself? Pursuing your dreams? Taking that first step? Lets just attack these excuses and get to business! 1. “I don’t know where to start”That is the primary benefit of working with G W Solutions. We DO know where to start and […]
Essential Communications
Communication with your constituents, key stakeholders, and community at large is not only essential for your fundraising prospects, but also essential to remain relevant in your community. You want a two-way dialog to ensure your services are meeting needs of those served. Also consider if you are meeting the needs of your funders, providing the […]