Start off Your Fundraising Strong in the New Year

Plan on starting your fundraising strong in the new year. Since ideas abound for fundraising options, you are only limited by your imagination and planning. Your best strategy includes sufficient fore- thought, bringing together the right supporters, and implementing with confidence. If you tackle your fundraising with these strategies in mind, you will meet or exceed your goals.

Tips For Success

Add these options to your strategy to get your organization started in 2023.

1. Board of Director Donations. Your board of directors should be responsible for bringing in a certain amount of donations annually. Consider allowing them to donate the money themselves or raise the money from your community. However, your board should be part of raising funds regularly.

Start in your by-laws: set an amount that each board member is expected to raise. Be sure to include this information when recruiting board members and review it regularly during meetings when going over financials.

2. Your annual event. Whether you conduct an annual gala, tea, basketball game, or community fair, plan and implement an annual event for your community. It raises your awareness in your community, it provides services for your stakeholders, and it raises necessary funds for your organization.

Invest sufficient planning including securing potential for sponsors, collaborations, and media support. Since your annual event often represents the biggest fundraising event for most organizations, it typically occurs at the end or beginning of your fundraising campaign.

3. Sell an item. You may sell baseball caps, t-shirts, cinch bags, or other item to raise funding. These items should have sufficient markup to make money and keep track of those who bought them because the difference in value can be written off on taxes.

Keep in mind that fundraising should be done year-round, in person, on your website, etc to raise maintain visibility and support. For best results, set a goal, pick a time to promote them, and push the sale to meet or exceed expectations. This can also be done annually.

Final Thoughts

4. Mix it up. Try not to do the same thing every year (except maybe your annual event). Offering variety keeps your stakeholders interested and coming back for more. Remember that your organization provides a value for the things you do, not just fundraising.

Have more questions? Contact us for help creating a fundraising plan.

Happy Fundraising!

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About Us
Felicia Buchanan founder of Grant Writing Solutions in South Bend, Indiana

Started by Felicia Seals-Buchanan, G W Solutions works with individuals and organizations to find effective solutions for all of your funding needs. Whether scholarships for school, grants for your business, or training to learn the process of seeking funding for yourself, make us your first option for resources and education to become self-sufficient now.


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