Strategic Planning: Essential Success Strategy

Strategic planning is now one of the most important success strategies for organizational sustainability. Donors, funding organizations, and potential partners are looking for safe, effective, and impactful investment opportunities that maximize their Return On Investment (ROI) like never before.

Try these proven strategies to create and implement your own strategic plan to ensure you and your organization are in the best position to compete for limited funding dollars following worldwide economic upheaval.

Expand Your Vision. Embrace innovation focused on engaging stakeholders, partners, and the community at large. What problems are you helping to solve? What areas remain troublesome for your target population? Have the priorities of the funders changed? Start with these questions to inspire innovation.

Engage Your Board and Leadership. Including a larger audience in the planning process increases the ideas, point of views, and ideas. Be sure to engage as many stakeholders and will participate to improve planning outcomes. Set aside a set amount of time and be sure to focus on innovation.

Create Smart Goals. Start off with general ideas and create more and more specific goals/tasks. Vet and prioritize ideas by potential for success and ease of execution.

Revisit often and adjust as necessary. Once you plan has been created and posted for all to access, be sure to revisit it regularly to ensure that it remains relevant, on pace to achieve goals, and moves the organization towards it’s vision.

Read more about it here! And be sure to see what to do next in our Blog articles.

Have more questions? Contact us today! Happy Fundraising!

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About Us
Felicia Buchanan founder of Grant Writing Solutions in South Bend, Indiana

Started by Felicia Seals-Buchanan, G W Solutions works with individuals and organizations to find effective solutions for all of your funding needs. Whether scholarships for school, grants for your business, or training to learn the process of seeking funding for yourself, make us your first option for resources and education to become self-sufficient now.


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