How comprehensive is your Network?

A wise man once told me, “it’s not who you know, it’s who knows you!” Your network should not only be those in your same industry, social group, or religious/political community. You need to be known by a wide variety of people doing a wide variety of things. As your network grows, you can become […]

Is Your Board Active?

An active Board of Directors can provide needed expertise, connections, and legitimacy; but that’s not all. Boards can and should be major fundraising arms of your organization, introducing you to the right people, taking leadership to the right places, and raising a designated amount of money to help your annual fundraising goals. Do you have […]

Grants for For-Profit Businesses?

Most people think that grants are provided to NPO only. While it is true that NPOs are the primary recipients of foundation grants, FPO can AND do receive grant awards from government agencies, contracts, and sometimes even foundations! Do you have a for-profit business and want to know how you can receive a grant? Contact […]