How comprehensive is your Network?

A wise man once told me, “it’s not who you know, it’s who knows you!” Your network should not only be those in your same industry, social group, or religious/political community. You need to be known by a wide variety of people doing a wide variety of things. As your network grows, you can become a valuable resource to others making you the “go to” person for connections. When people come to you for connections, you will have the knowledge to build capacity for yourself and others in ways that will evolve as your network grows. Be invaluable, it will pay off! Contact us to find out how to take advantage of your growing network!

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About Us

Started by Felicia Seals-Buchanan, G W Solutions works with individuals and organizations to find effective solutions for all of your funding needs. Whether scholarships for school, grants for your business, or training to learn the process of seeking funding for yourself, make us your first option for resources and education to become self-sufficient now.


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