Do You Know Where Your Money Comes From?

Do You Know Where Your Money Comes From?

Giving USA has taken a survey of giving in 2021 and has reported on where money comes from for most nonprofit organizations. Knowing how other, successful organizations meet their goals is important. It says that:

  • 67% of giving is from individuals,
  • 19% of giving is from foundation (grants),
  • 9% of giving by bequests (gifts after death),
  • 4% of giving from corporations, and
  • 1% of giving from other sources such as events.

Does your organizational finances reflect these trends? Have you implemented effective strategies to ensure that you are maximizing major donor sources? Do you know what to do at all?

A fundraising plan should have been part of your organizing documents and part of the 1023 application. Most organizations simply write out a few goals to meet requirements never to be revisited. However, we offer the following instructions for crafting plans that are most likely to lead to success:

  1. Ensure that your plans are in line with your organizational mission and values. Don’t implement programs that tarnish your reputation or diverge from your mission.
  2. Ensure that your plans include the categories above to maximize your results.
  3. You don’t have to include everything, just those categories that make the most sense for your expertise and organization.
  4. Make sure that your goals are time limited and include specific numbers so that you can evaluate your success (or lack there of) following the time limit.

G W Solutions, LLC can help you develop a comprehensive fundraising plan along with an implementation schedule to get your organization on track. We can help you assess your current plan, find holes in your strategy, and set and meet financial goals.

Would you like to learn more? Check out this video.

Happy Fundraising!

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About Us
Felicia Buchanan founder of Grant Writing Solutions in South Bend, Indiana

Started by Felicia Seals-Buchanan, G W Solutions works with individuals and organizations to find effective solutions for all of your funding needs. Whether scholarships for school, grants for your business, or training to learn the process of seeking funding for yourself, make us your first option for resources and education to become self-sufficient now.


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