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Grants to Inspire Innovation Growth Ambition

Ready to take your business or nonprofit to the next level? Our grants are here to help you grow, launch, or pivot with the funding you need. Whether you're expanding operations or introducing a new product or service, we’re excited to support your vision.

About our Small Business Advantage Grant

To succeed as a small business owner, you need the right tools, strategies, and support. ComConnect Foundation helps small businesses build connections and capacity to positively impact their communities.

In 2025, we’re launching the Small Business Advantage Grant, awarding $500 – $1000 to up to three small businesses to start, grow, pivot, or be recognized for excellence in service/operations.

Eligibility: Men, women, and young people are welcome to apply.

The deadline for the application is June 1, 2025

Finalists will be contacted for additional business information, and winners will be announced by September 30th.

Winners must participate in 16 weeks of virtual business coaching, scheduled at their discretion. They will also receive business promotion on our platform, a free mailing list, and access to future funding opportunities (a $900 value).

Applicants are required to answer all mandatory questions and are encouraged to answer optional ones to help us better understand their organization.

A narrative section must also be completed, following this outline, with a 1000-word maximum.

1. Business Description

2. Personal Statement

3. Budget

4. Experience

Note: Applications not following this outline will be excluded from consideration for funding.